For happy little tummies

For happy little tummies

For happy little tummies

Serves 2 Cooking time: 5 minutes

Gluten Free

Wheat Free

This one always goes down a treat with kids. The fun is in the making so get them involved and they’ll love it even more!

For happy little tummies


  • 2 Little Jacket Potatoes
  • roast chicken, sliced
  • mayonnaise
  • avocado
  • 2 rashers of bacon
  • 50g cheddar, grated
  • a handful of cherry tomatoes



Chop up the bacon and let it sizzle away in a hot frying pan until it’s lovely and crisp.

While it’s cooking, cut up the roast chicken, tomatoes and the avocado, then pop them in a bowl with a good dollop of mayo and the cheese.

Stir it all together, add the bacon and load it straight onto the little potatoes.