
Fancy putting our products on your menu? We’d love to work with you. Just get in touch to see what we can do to help.

Got a cafe or restaurant and like the look of our potatoes? Good news! We’ve been baking potatoes for foodservice for yonks! We make roasties, skins, our classic baked potatoes and lots more…
Got a cafe or restaurant and like the look of our potatoes? Good news! We’ve been baking potatoes for foodservice for yonks! We make roasties, skins, our classic baked potatoes and lots more…
Fancy putting our products on your menu? We’d love to work with you. Just get in touch to see what we can do to help.
Browse around our recipes for lots of ideas for things you can make to go with our catering products.
Bannisters' Farm
Farmhouse Potato Bakers Limited
Lancaster Road
Carnaby Industrial Estate
East Riding of Yorkshire YO15 3QY
Tel: 01262 605 650