Potato cress head

Potato cress head

If you’re wondering how to keep the children entertained this half term we might be able to provide a little helping hand to keep them occupied for a few hours at least. Why not create a ‘Potato Cress Head’? Not only will the children enjoy making it, they can watch it grow throughout the week then eat it in their pack-ups on Monday.

You will need:

  • 1 fresh potato
  • Paints or felt-tip pens
  • 1 packet of cress seeds
  • 2 balls of cotton wool

First, an adult will need cut off and then scoop out the top of the potato to create a little hollow for the cress to be grown in. Then slice off the bottom of the potato to create a flat surface so the potato will stand up.

The potato can then be decorated with paints or felt-tips.

Once the decorating masterpiece is complete, dampen the cotton wool balls and place on the top of the potato. Sprinkle the cress seeds on top of the cotton wool.

Then find a sunny spot to place your potato cress head and wait for the magic to happen.

Check each day and add water, if needed, to keep the cotton wool damp. Once the cress has grown enough it can be cut, eaten and enjoyed.

We’d love to see any potato cress head you make, so please email any pictures to: thefarmer@bannistersfarm.co.uk

For more potato-based ideas see our ‘Easter Holiday Survival Guide’ blog for more creative ways to keep the kids entertained this school holiday.

Bannisters' Farm Potato Cress Head

Potato Cress Head – Day 1

Bannisters' Farm Cress Head Day 2

Potato Cress Head – Day 2

Erm…Mr Potato Cress Head is still looking a little thin on top

Bannisters' Farm Potato Cress Head Day 3

Potato Cress Head – Day 3

Number 1 all over sir?

Bannisters' Farm Potato Cress Head Day 7

Potato Cress Head – Day 7

Mr Potato Cress Head is very impressed with his long locks. Now where are those scissors…